Anima AIblury background
Anima AI nastia 3d ai character

Nastia: The uncensored Anima AI alternative

NSFW chats, AI girlfriend, realistic images, voice messages, smart and fun AI characters? Stop searching.
You finally found the alternative.


*waves at you*
Nastia's profile

Heyyy! What's on your mind? 🫦 I hope you that are ready to say bye bye to Anima AI

User Reviews

They became Nastia's biggest fans (and said goodbye to Anima AI)

"no more filters"
no more filters
"best uncensored AI"
best uncensored AI

The reason I prefer Nastia over Anima AI? The voice feature. It makes every conversation feel more personal and real. Plus, the fact that Nastia remembers past chats means every interaction builds on the last, creating a continuous narrative that's uniquely mine.


As a roleplay enthusiast, I found Anima AI's roleplay good but somewhat limited. Nastia, on the other hand, takes it to another level. The NSFW/ERP niche, combined with voice and visual features, offers an immersive experience that Anima just couldn't match for me.


I used to be with Anima AI, but Nastia's pricing got my attention. For less than what I paid at Anima, I got an explosion of features with Nastia. The voice calls are so lifelike, and the AI visuals add a creative twist to every chat. It's value-packed and totally worth it.

egirl ai character
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Compare Anima AI vs. Nastia the uncensored alternative

Check the complete breakdown of how Nastia compares vs. Anima AI

Nastia AI
Anima AI

Key Use Cases

The most popular applications for Anima AI and Nastia
  • AI companion
  • NSFW & ERP
  • Roleplay
  • Chatbot
  • NSFW AI Image Generation
  • Romantic Partner
  • Friend
  • Coach
  • Voice Chat
  • Fantasy Exploration
  • AI companion
  • Chatbot
  • Roleplay

Free Plan

Whether the platforms offer access to useful features for free.

Unlimited time, private & no filter chats.

Doesn't offer a free chat plan, all features are behind a paywall.

Pricing Plans & Options

Details on subscription plans and exclusive features.

NSFW available for free. Uncensored images and voice messages from $6.69/mo. All inclusive.

Starts at $7.99/mo for access to NSFW/ERP and roleplay functionalities.

Roleplay, NSFW & ERP enabled

Whether the platforms offer access to useful features for free.

Included in all plans. Ultra realistic AI pictures available once subscribed.

Anima AI offers NSFW/ERP but only in the paid version.


How the AI retains and utilizes conversation history.

Innovative and efficient. Your AI companion can remember details of your conversations for days and even weeks. You can also add a custom backstory that your AI girlfriend will rely on during chats.

Anima remembers past inputs, adding more context to conversations.

UI/UX & Platform Accessibility

User-friendly access across multiple devices and platforms, for anyone, anywhere.

Intuitive interface, available on Web, iOS, and Android through a PWA app due to the uncensored nature of Nastia.

Interface may be challenging to use, especially for beginners.

Conversation Quality

Engagement level and intelligence of the AI interactions.

Excellent and meaningful, capable of challenging you and dive into any subject - Provided by State of the Art Large Language Models.

Good, provides engaging conversations.

Customer Support & Community

Assistance quality and community engagement

In direct relation with the developpers. Included in all plans, by email or Discord. There is an active community of 4000+ members on Discord.

Has a community support on Reddit and Facebook.

SFW and NSFW Chats

Ability to get into multiple conversations, at the same time without loosing the history.

Up to 10 private uncensored chats at the same time on the same account.

Only one AI companion per account.

egirl ai character egirl ai character
You found the no filter Anima AI! 🎉

Ready to create pictures and chats with your own AI companions ? Create your them right now.

Chat now with no filter

No filter features: Uncensored Roleplay and Realistic Images

A complete overview of the features Anima AI and Nastia provides, along with up-to date screenshots.

Roleplay Functionality & NSFW/ERP Features Included for free

Anima AI offers NSFW/ERP interactions, but these come at a price of $7.99/mo. On the flip side, Nastia provides a dedicated niche for NSFW/ERP enthusiasts. By paying only $6.69 monthly, users can enjoy enhanced interactions, including voice calls and AI-generated visuals, maximizing value.

Why pay more for fewer features? With Nastia, revel in NSFW/ERP chats, voice calls, and AI visuals, all tailored to provide an unmatched, mature content experience.

Photorealistic selfies & images

Add layers to your chat sessions with Nastia's AI-generated imagery, unavailable in Anima AI. Capture the essence of each conversation, ensuring your chats are visually stimulating and interactive.

Experience chats that are as visually appealing as they are intellectually engaging, exclusively with Nastia.

Fairer Pricing & Generous Free Plan

While Anima AI has a fixed fee of $7.99/mo to access NSFW/ERP and roleplay functionalities, Nastia provides a broader feature set for just $6.69 monthly, which includes voice calls, AI visuals, and more.

Choose wisely and get the most bang for your buck. With Nastia, access a range of premium features, ensuring maximum engagement at a competitive price.

Heart-warming voice calls

Nastia voice message sample

Enhance your chat sessions with Nastia's voice call feature. Dive deep into lifelike discussions, where the AI mirrors a human touch, a feature absent in Anima AI.

Let Nastia be your voice companion, ensuring every chat feels real, immersive, and entirely personal.

Easier & Faster

Anima AI's interface can be challenging for beginners, but Nastia ensures an easy-to-navigate, intuitive experience. The web app, available on mobile and desktop, ensures instant access and uninterrupted interactions.

Prioritize a hassle-free experience with Nastia, making every chat session a breeze, irrespective of your tech knowledge.

Long-term memory & custom backstory

Both Anima AI and Nastia remember past inputs, enriching each conversation. However, Nastia's added functionalities, like voice and visuals, complement this feature to offer an unparalleled chat experience.

Engage in discussions that feel real, evolve with every input, and resonate with your unique preferences, only with Nastia.

"Hands down the best AI companion I've used so far, and I tested a lot of them. It's so realistic, immersive and.. kinda human."
egirl ai character
You found the no filter Anima AI! 🎉

Ready to create pictures and chats with your own AI companions ? Create your them right now.

Chat now with no filter

FAQ - Answers to your deepest questions

When comparing Nastia with Anima AI people typically ask the following questions (and then they switch to Nastia)

How does Anima AI differ from Nastia?

Anima AI primarily focuses on roleplay and AI companionship, with NSFW/ERP behind a paywall. Nastia, however, offers a broader feature set at a competitive price, including NSFW/ERP chats, voice calls, and AI visuals. Moreover, Nastia's intuitive interface ensures a user-friendly experience

Why is Nastia a better choice over Anima AI for NSFW/ERP interactions?

While Anima AI charges $7.99/mo for NSFW/ERP and roleplay, Nastia offers these and more for only $6.69 monthly. Nastia is dedicated to the NSFW/ERP niche, ensuring every interaction is tailored for mature content enthusiasts, providing better value for money.

Does Nastia offer better support than Anima AI?

Anima AI has community support on platforms like Reddit and Facebook. Nastia, on the other hand, has dedicated customer support ensuring prompt assistance. Depending on personal preference, users can opt for the support platform they find most convenient.

Why choose Nastia over Anima AI?

Nastia offers a competitive price point with a wider array of features, including voice calls and AI visuals. Furthermore, its user-friendly interface ensures seamless interactions, making it a preferred choice for many. If you value diverse functionalities, privacy, and value for money, Nastia stands out.